Effects of pollution

There are many types of pollution including: air, water, and ground. Living things, including humans, count on and expect to find these natural resources in working condition when they need them. However, withe current state of the industrialized world they have been sorely taken for granted. One important thing that all people need to take into account is the first law of human ecology: you can never do just one thing. For, example, cutting down old growth forests reduces habitats for forest dwelling animals, which causes starvation or migration of species relying on the forest. If a large number of birds migrated or died there would be an abundance of insects which would be an annoyance to humans which could increase the use of pestacides and so on and so forth.

Pollution not only effects the animals in ecosystems but also the plant life and condition of life for humans living in the particular environment. In large cities the smog that forms often chockes out much needed sunlight and clean air that plants need to survive. Also, things such as pesticides have huge impacts on species of birds that eat the contaminated insects.

Problems are also arising today becasue people in industrialized countries throw so much stuff away. In the U.S.A. alone we throw away 11 billion metric tons per year! A vast majority of what we throw could be recycled. For example the product that makes up the largest percentage of landfills at 38% is paper and paper products. Plastics make up 8% of landfills and glass and metals combined make up 15%. Yard waste, food, and other miscellaneous things make up the remaining 39%. All landfills will also untimately fail no matter how well they are constructed leaking pollutants into the ground and water table.

Another important fact to take into consideration is that the climate on earth is not set in stone. It is a proven fact that we are in the process of changing our climate. As we continue to use vehicles for the majority of transportation and continue to to reduce the amount of forests and plant vegatation the amount of CO2 gas in the air is steadily rising. This gas is a major player in the greenhouse effect and causes depletion of the ozone. You may now be asking yourself What Can I Do to Help!

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Questions? Contact Kirsten Grisham at grishakd@uwec.edu
Page Last Updated 4/03/03

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